Originally Posted by SC
Originally Posted by fatdomgamiello36
Silencing dissent are we today my little tyrant friend?

Not dissent but rulebreakers. I don't understand why you can't see the difference. Feel free to join your friends if you don't like how this board is moderated.

I understand the first banning but I don't know how the following statement deserved banning:

"SC, you are banning him for that !!!! He made a point in order to put what he said in perspective. The Oakasfan gets to call footreads friend an animal? Very strange how Oakasfan, cookcounty, and blackfamily say whatever they want with impunity.
Its not fair at all especially when they go out of their way to make unpatriotic/ racist statements."

I'm not seeing anything offensive above other than maybe a complaint. Is complaining now a violation of board rules? Seriously SC, you are starting to act like a power hungry dictator. If someone complains, you ban them. The truth is, Oak and Cookcounty both make inflammatory comments on an almost daily basis that many of the current (and former, thanks to your banning) members find extremely unsettling.

I suspect that since you don't find what Oak and Cook say offensive (because they are aligned with you politically) you don't know act as quickly to punish them. The truth is I could go through this thread and find very inflammatory comments made by those two within the last week. If you would like me to do so, please let me know and I will oblige.

If you ban me for this comment I won't be surprised. If you want to run a board in which the opinions given are monolithic, that is your privilege, but it doesn't make it right. If not, I would suggest, if possible, you re-think your banning of Aces.