Originally Posted by Footreads
According to Cook at the other idiot it was all obama not trump.

Haha.. no way !!! Obama came into office with no business experience, he was basically a glorified activist. The economy was in recession and the market was at a low and really no where else to go but up. You had the head of the federal reserve and head of major banks telling Obama he had no choice but to bail out GM and a few large banks although lehman and bear stearns went under. Anyway, Obama had to listen, he had no choice. The Federal reserve held down interest rates to near zero for 8 years to push up the economy, low quality jobs were created under Obama and he did nothing to help the middle class. Trump is helping the middle class and actually pushed up the market to levels never imagined and with HIGHER interest rates unlike Obama.
Anyone in office at that time would of did at leat as good as obama if you want to be nice and use the word good.
Obama was more concerned with nonsense like black lives matters opposed to the issues America needed addressed.

Last edited by Aces; 05/24/18 09:12 AM.