This is astounding.. the stock market ( dow jones) was sitting at 18300 when President Trump got elected in November of 2016. In only 14 months the market rallied to 26,600. thats over 8,000 points in only 14 months!!!! That is unheard of. The market was already at highs when he took office and he still pushes the market up 8000. Both the s&p 500 and nasdaq had similar percentage gains.
Obama the activist got into office when the market was already at a low and it had no where to go but up. He still didnt get those gains in 4 years never mind 14 months. President Trump is a man of action and determination. The swamp in washington hate Trump because he gets things done, unlike the politicians who cannot !

Last edited by Aces; 05/24/18 08:13 AM.