Yes. Do some research on other American gangs and you'll see the same underage prostitution and yes to the same or more degree. Trinatarios & DDP use machetes against MS-13. Ms-13 aren't that deep in the US compared to other street gangs.

I do not need to do a research because I acknowledged in my statement above that this is not new on an individual gang basis. What makes MS-13 different is that it is systematic. [/quote]

How's it systematic?[/quote]

Below are three articles among the many others that I posted earlier. It is self explanatory as to why it is systematic.


I think there's some systematic approach to dealing with individuals but it's not the entire gang approach all the time. There's plenty of gunplay they have done and again it's toward specific people. Vast amount of these grotesque cases is repeated or rehashed from Central America not the U.S. I doubt that's a legit government site referring to a crime group as animals. Like SoCalGangs said, We don't know if the WHOLE gang condones those acts and these websites displays the political side of it clearly.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb