Originally Posted by cookcounty
Originally Posted by Irishman12
Originally Posted by cookcounty

Its harder to get weapons if they don't sell ak47s in stores

Disarming the country would help with Violence

The war on drugs is a farce, too many politicians snort coke

The govt makes alot of money from the drug economy

People buy food while high and get prescribed drugs to get off drugs

So you say the war on drugs is a farce and the government makes a lot of money from the drug economy? But yet you still believe that the war on the second amendment wouldn't be a farce and the same government wouldn't make a lot of money from the gun economy? Ok lol

The war on drugs is a farce, weed is getting legalized

Another school shooting today and the govt wont care

You do realize they're more drugs than weed, right? How's the heroin epidemic coming along? Especially in places like Virginia and Ohio.