2017 annual gdp was 2.6%. While 2nd and 3rd quarter were strong, 1st and 4th were less so. While the 2.6% is better than 2016's annual gdp, its the same as 2014 and less than 2015 (2.9%).

2018 1st quarter was 2.3%

We hit over 3% eight quarters under Obama's tenure, but never recorderd over 3% annually. We havent under Trump either We likely wont this year, the 1st quarter will likely drag the annual down, even with a good 2nd or 3rd.( 2005 was the last year we went over 3 annually )

Its misleading to compare quarterly and annual data. Quarterly data compares the change in GDP from the preceding quarter, while yearly data compares the change in GDP from the preceding year. Best to either stick with one or the other.



All God's children are not beautiful. Most of God's children are, in fact, barely presentable.

I never met anyone who didn't have a very smart child. What happens to these children, you wonder, when they reach adulthood?