Ivey avoided conflicts with the Aryan Brotherhood – who considered the Royals traitors to the white race – but he also had to stand up to his own black allies.

“In prison, it got to where some Gangsters thought the Royals were their do-boys,” he says. “I started getting a little bit of rank, and I didn’t put up with it. They knew I would go out there with a knife, because I’m not gonna be your bitch … so they always treated me with respect … I didn’t never stab nobody, I didn’t have to.”

During his time behind bars, Ivey studied Royals literature – 50 pages of policies and history – and started networking. By the time he returned home in 2003, he had claimed the title of Central Mississippi regional captain.


If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb