Originally Posted by SC
dixie, can't you stop already? You've been on his ass for over four years now. If he bothers you that much don't read his posts, or more importantly to me, don't answer them. Put him on "ignore". Whatever, just stop badgering him already.

As long as he can continue to bring race into posts I should be able to call him out at the same time. Maybe you should take your own advice and put me on ignore? If you want me to stop then you should call him out for his bullshit too. He's nothing but a race baiter, but yet we're the ones who gets in trouble when we call a spade a spade.

Originally Posted by OakAsFan
Same here. Still don't have assault rifles for home protection. Grandfather was in the Pacific in WW2, father in Vietnam. Neither of them have (or had, in GF's case) an assault rifle for home protection, and my grandfather's neighborhood got pretty bad in his later years.

Your assault rifles have nothing to do with home defense.

I see you ignored my post once again, why don't you tell us what an assault rifle is? And yes my AR-15 is used for home defense, you're not going to tell me what I use it for and don't use it for when you have no idea. Hell you just proved you don't know shit about guns when calling an AR-15 an assault rifle. It's not even close.

So tell us HOW an AR-15 is an assault rifle.

You give me a Glock 9mm or a 12 gauge shotgun and I promise you I could do more damage to a group of people than I could with an AR-15. So I guess we should ban shotguns and pistols? You do know that more people die by pistols every year than every other gun COMBINED? Where's your outcry there? Oh yea that's right, it doesn't fit your agenda.

You really want this to be true, don't you? Again, I'll pass. Sorry.

I could care less if you take it in the ass or not. But sorry you have those thoughts, you should get help for it. Down here we don't believe in that kind of garbage.