Woltz, I rarely disagree with you, but I heartily disagree with you about this.

Regardless of how one comes to be a murderous criminal, Vito was one lock, stock, and barrel. Just as Michael could a generation later, Vito could have abandoned his criminal exploits at any time. He told Michael that he knew that Sonny was going to have to go through all of this and, without much confidence in Fredo's abilities, Fredo would also. Why would they have to go through it unless Vito intended to perpetuate his criminal enterprise through the generations? Although he states that he never wanted that for Michael, his intention to have Michael hold the strings was Vito's admitting that Michael would be the other half of the criminal enterprise equation.

I find nothing to support any contention that Vito was a reluctant criminal who's only intention was to rid the world of the Fanuccis and Ciccis.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."