Originally Posted by cookcounty
Turn off fox news

For one, I don't watch Fox News you dipshit.

China might be the #1 country seeing that we're in debt to them

Now you're really stupid. We're in debt to many countries. Still doesn't mean shit military wise.

We would have serious problems fighting russia

I never said we would blow Russia out in a couple of days. Learn to read (like that's possible)

China might blow us to smithereens

Yea ok. If they were so big and bad they sure did cower to Trump fairly quickly over North Korea, but yea they own us and we should be scared rolleyes

Its 2018, everybody has weapons

Sorry to tell you but just because everyone has guns doesn't mean they have the type of weapons we have. China is still using MIG's which couldn't even compare and hang with our F-14's, much less anything newer. I could go on and on about this, but I wouldn't expect a dumbass like yourself to understand that. It takes more than big numbers to have a dangerous army.