Mickey Cobras
Marshall Fields - Blackhawk to Evergreen, Hudson to Sedgwick

Dearborn Homes - 29th to 30th, Lasalle to State
051 YM- 50th to 51st, St Lawrence to Cottage Grove
Lexville - 51st to 53rd, Calumet to King
800 YM - 60th to 61st, Langley to Cottage
C-Block Justoworld - 73rd to 76th, Jeffery to Clyde
4-4 THF - 44th to 45th, Shields to Wentworth
Backblock Dogpound - 47th to 49th, Shields to Wentworth
ATL World - 51st to 55th, Shields to Wentworth
Snake Pit - 106th to 107th, Eggleston to Wentworth

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb