Hopefully Trump is good for his word and will take the US into a more isolationist mentality..Here's how often it's been at war...


You could also say the UK has also been at war frequently throughout the same time period, however, since the end of the 2nd world war (arguably "modern" history), the US appears to be the major actor/instigator across the world.

The precursory "USA, USA" chant we've all become accustomed to, since the 1st gulf war I think, is just as worrying to many ears these days as "Allahu Akbar" is....that is worth thinking about. Couple that with the attitude from a considerable number of the American public/sheep who firmly believe they are no.1 (Dixie is by no means alone in his opinion) and would have boots on the ground anywhere/anytime in places theyve never even heard of or could point out on a map (Even Bush, when asked by a reporter, couldn't name the countries bordering Iraq, just as he was about to launch an invasion) is certainly a concern...unless Trump can change foreign policy...however, I'm not sure how he'll persuade big businesses that essentially rely on war. I like the fact Mike Pompeo has just visited North Korea to start dialogue there though, 15 years ago the place would already be bombed.

The USA is a great country which does offer comparatively good life chance - it's time the country started solving its own internal problems, divert spending into this and start compromising with other nations.