Originally Posted by Footreads
I liked mean streets for one reason. You can listen to DeNiro talk and see how much he is not a street guy he actually is. Listen to him talk his voice is fake. He got a lot better at this over the years.

But in this he sounds exactly like Steven Segal sounded in his move that was shot in Brooklyn.

Come on Foots, are ya telling me that they don't talk like that in Bensonhurst? I thought all Sensei Seagal's films were super realistic, I mean I truly believe that Sensei Seagal, in his prime, could fight multiple guys in a bar without receiving as much as a bruise himself. The scene below is one of my all-time favorites of that mamaluke LOL

Carlo Rizzi of the Godfather and Brendan Filone of Sopranos fame are also present btw. All kidding aside though, is their accent more realistic Foots? The Filone actor also sounds a little over the top to me..