Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Nicky cites sources that are strong arguments, but he has now concentrated on me, since he feels he is hitting a brick wall. That stuff is supposed to not spill over from the Blackhand Forum.

So all of the articles confirming the family is dead are allowed to be shredded apart by Rooster and Nickle, but the moment I question their validity (like the validity of YOU), you get all up and arms? Again, there needs to be a double standard. If Lee Coppola is a liar for calling the Buffalo mob "penniless," what does that make you?

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari

When it came out that the Canadians arrested members of the Todaro family, reliable sources said that quite a few people over at BH crapped their pants and many more were stunned.

What? I'm on the Black Hand. I can read the thread... Nobody was crapping their pants, my friend, so your sources are off, just like the "sources" that told you Tony Mirra was out doing hits when he was in prison and out in big mob meetings. Just like your sources that told you Zirpoli was whacked in the Bonanno War. A lot more where that came from.

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari

Figured sooner or later some of those fellows might come on here, I honestly thought Rooster was such a person. Nicky you registered in December of 17', but did not start posting till early February, then when this thread took off, you pounced on it.

Thanks for monitoring my posts. I don't see what it proves.

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari

It was like you were waiting for this thread, of course you made plenty of references to the BH, which altogether leads to you having an agenda the whole time.

Yes, I was waiting for this thread because I am part of the grand conspiracy to deny the existence of the Buffalo mob. Actually, I am on the payroll of Domenico Violi, who is paying me thousands to try and discredit any notion that he's in the Buffalo mob. You got me, the jig is up. I'm moving to South America tomorrow to go into hiding. Good investigative work, Giacomo.

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari

What is it with Crusaders? They have a pure and honourable ideal or philosophy, but end up acting like assholes, even I am not above that, to prove a point. Am I saying I am better than anyone else? Hell no. I laugh cause there is irony in all of this, in the land of the blind, the one eye is king.

Keep rambling buddy. I'm sure you've got a point somewhere in that mess.
The fact of the matter is, you were outed for lying and you admitted to lying. You lied for no apparent reason, other than to pretend you were in the know. Am I wrong?

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari

Back on topic. Buffalo family has been active, and said what I had to say on the family. Most people laugh at the members and say they only take in two bit hoods, when in actuality, they do bring in more sophisticated individuals, they roll with the times.

Actually, my argument is not that they take in two-bit hoods. My argument is that they aren't taking in anyone. My argument is that there is no structure. No hierarchy. No active governance of the family. My argument is backed up by law enforcement, DAs, fed prosecutors, proven mob experts, and investigative journalists. Your argument is based off your sketchy track record of lying.

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari

NF, Utica, Buffalo, and Hamilton is still active. For the sake of the argument, let's wait until what is revealed in the Violi case, I don't think anyone is going to change their minds, BensonHURST is open minded.

Bensonhurst has not been open-minded from the get-go. Straight away he began offering wild theories as to how the family was able to survive and rebuild. He was quick to discredit every single one of the many people who say the family is not active. When I asked him about Rooster's imaginary sources, he claimed he didn't want to get involved with challenging Rooster's sources. He keeps trying to reach a "middle ground" to resolve the argument, but each of his "compromises" has him arguing the family is still active.