Obama did so much for his peeps in chi town? He probably looked at all the bullshit that goes on there and thought "ok, I'm not a miracle worker here." What is your pRoblem with life cookie baby? Please tell us your issues. What steps have you made towards fixing your pRoblems? Just like the prisoners who are all innocent, you blame all the problems with black people on white people. We don't bite. You are naive to think that a black man can't succeed. As far as tupac being a role model, that's where you can start fixing your pRoblem. There are many white kids who idolize black athletes and musicians. Why would a black parent limit their child's role models to some punk who dresses and talks like tupac? If that's how you want your kid to end up by all means, have them look up to tupac. He was 27/28 yo when he died? He got real far. Hendrix, died by drowning in his puke. That was a tragedy. He was a black man who played with white bandmates. Rather than pointing fingers he said fuck it, restringed a right handed guitar to accommodate for being left handed (he didn't give up because he couldn't afford a left handed guitar), rewrote the way the electric guitar was played, and brought people together with his sounds and lyrics. He doesn't talk about killing people, bitches, ho's, dealing drugs, and so on. So as I said earlier about tupac being mentioned near Hendrix should be a crime. The hood (ghettos), didn't get like this overnight. Instead of sitting around blaming everyone else, just Fucking leave.