Sorry the hit on Gas was Unsanctioned by the Gambino's
At that time Gas was UB I believe of the Lucheese's

Gas killed everyone he thought was in on the hit.

He had a ton of balls bombing the Gambino social club killing there U.B.

It really is amazing with all the shit back then how the families did not go to war with each other.

All the treachery and treason back and forth

You had Gotti and c/o tried to whack out Gas, and take over the Colombo and Decav families.
Played a big part in starting the war.

You had Gas taking out Gambimbo heirarchy
You had Chin pinning up with Gas also plotting to kill Gotti

Gas killing everyone in his family...

The only one that wa.ckear was Chin.
He was chosen as boss and had his whole borgata loyal to him.