yep he was.......he came home around 2005-2006 was on parole until 2017.....the day he walked out of prison he was up to no good......lies and innuendos ... dis guy lies about the most irrelevant bull shit - here's what i know - some girl helped him come home from his 10+ stint in prison for the Cavalieri murder - she fought for him - went to see him almost every week in different prisons, they moved him around - she gave him money - bought him clothes - gave him money for commisary - dropped off all kinda underwear and boots and shit - he promised her the sun, moon and stars.....came home and right away started acting like he was entitled to the world on a platter....he was commiting crimes from day 1. from what i have been told - dis guy just constantly thinks about how he can get over on the man - the woman - dont matter - he is a petty thief...he will never give him some time - let him out and he starts all over again - he uses the innocents - the people he knows that have NO records...he uses the so called restoration business Assured and the restaurant Valentinas Tratoria in Northfield NJ as fronts. Gotta wonnder who he stole money from to open thoses businessses - the joke is the gfirlfrend or wife owns the restaurant - right....