Originally Posted by BensonHURST
The only way to possibly get a way with it is it would have be very very carefully planned
And the guy would just have to disappear
The body can never be found

And forget about ordering it
You would have to do the hit yourself
So no one will tell on you

Other than that look at the last few murders they have all gotten caught

The real question is how many unsolved since 2000?
I know of one Bonnano that killed at the bus stop in Staten Island

Any others in NY

Anthony Seccafico. Christopher Mignone was murdered in 2011.
Also in Philly there's Gino DiPietro in 2012 and possibly Rocco Maniscalco in 2010.

There are around 300 murders per year in NYC (2017 was the lowest ever with 290) and 1/3 murders go unsolved in the country. So if 100 murders per year in the city are unsolved, it's not unbelievable that there were a couple of Mafia related murders over the past couple years. That doesn't even count missing people. Some indictments mention attempted murders, shootings or aborted murder plots. The Genovese associate (Joe Bonelli?) came pretty close to being killed by two hired crips a couple years ago. It only failed because the police stopped it. Murders sanctioned murders are probably rare, but there has to be some guys on the streets that get in beefs and end up leaving a body on the street or buried.

"I die outside; I die in jail. It don't matter to me," -John Franzese