Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Why was Nicky Jr demoted?

Never herd this from him nor did I ever have this discussion with him I did try to have it with someone very close to him and I but he shushed me and point off the deck like it was bugged and continued acting paranoid and pulling at his ear and mouth like someone’s listening

I believe it was a couple things at best ,one the Philly thing all along I took major heat here when i first posted it very few believed it.

Not that he was trying to take Philly by force I think he was just flexing being a skipper of a NY crew.

Then that’s another thing being a outsider and taking over a crew like that and Amuso losing his grip more and more or quite possibly Amuso was tired of Nick coming to him about shit .

But whatever it was should be a NY local to be the guy !

Jr. Wanted to go south and have a crew in South Jersey/ Philly and down in Florida I herd that was shot down .

Last edited by Serpiente; 03/28/18 07:03 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."