Rizzolo lives in Orange County, CA I believe. Joey Hansen was living in Huntington Beach until his death in 2003. Sam Sarcinelli was heaving in drug trafficking in Los Angeles during the 80s until his imprisonment. Now he is an invested in pole Katz strip club and lives in the South Suburbs. Chris Petti was the California rep until his death in 2005 or 2006. He was based out of San Diego. Another Outfit guy based in Los Angeles is Anthony Pellicano. He is finishing up hard time at Terminal Island and gets released within a year. If there is any representative it is Rizzolo. Chicago never lost its seat on the commission. The commission was disbanded. They have a New York one that is for only that area.

When did Chris Spina move out to San Diego? Did not hear this. If he did, I’m sure it’s for retirement