The only thing I am a real liberal about is a parent touching his kid. If I saw that as a coach I would confront the parent and tell them keep your hand off that kid. If they did not stop I would show them what it felt like by doing what they did hitting them. I have done it a few times.

Once we had a under nine yr old team practice at night under the lights. Around the field their were soft ball fields. We had a permit for that field to practice on. The soft ball players did not. So they started to hit soft balls out to where we were practing. I told a parent we would be off the field in ten minutes. The softball players men thought they could gorilla us off the field if they kept it up.

So finally they got what they wanted I sent the team home a little early. But now I was a little pissed off at the soft ball guys. I found a ball on our field and took it and walked toward them. A player wanted the ball I did answer him just kept walking toward them. When I was ten feet from the leader or their manger I picked up one of their soft bats metal bat. I told him there stuff was mine now. He said something I hit him in the face with the ball. A clincher soft ball is actually pretty hard if you get hit in the face with one from close range. Then someone else tried to talk he got the bat in the ribs I saw the ribs move. They could have all jumped me and fucked me up. But instead they must have been real liberals and they ran away fucking punks.

only the unloved hate