
Starring Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Jon Voight, Mario Van Peebles, Mykelti Williamson, and Jada Pinkett Smith

Spike Lee seems to have summed it up best when he questioned how a "boring film could be made about one of the most exciting figures of the 20th century." To me, that's exactly what this film came off as; boring. Uninspired. Yes, Will Smith's transformation from Fresh Prince to boxing legend is an admirable one, and yes, there is little wrong with Mann's lighting, shot framing, and overall composition. But for christsakes, for a film that tells the viewers very little about its subject, why is this thing so god damn long?

But, I did really enjoy Jon Voight's performance as Howard Cosell. I'm glad he received a well-deserved Best Supporting Actor nod. And Mykelti Williamson as Don King was a nice addition to the last half of the film.

As far as the film itself, in this one, unfortunately, boredom delivers a knockout punch.

2.5/5 Stars

I dream in widescreen.