Originally Posted by The_Rooster
Man, Nicky from Tampa, you really got mad on that last post, you going to be ok?

Guys, believe what he says, it will make him feel better and in the meantime do not form your own opinions or think contrary to law enforcement or news reporters who are never wrong.

Don't believe explicitly what I say, but believe the facts.
Rooster, my problem with you is not that you have your own opinions. My problem with you is that you state your alleged information as fact, even though you've got absolutely nothing to back up what you say. For example, in your first post on this thread, you said that people that don't believe Buffalo has an active mafia family are "delusional," even though there is not a single credible source that points to Buffalo being active. There is plenty of evidence that Buffalo is not active, and no credible evidence that it is. You belittle people that disagree with your unfounded, disproven theory that Buffalo is still an active crime family. That's what frustrates me.
If people seriously believe Rooster is qualified to talk about the inner workings, the structure, the rackets, and the making ceremonies of a family that is confirmed by law enforcement to be inactive, just because he claims to be "from the area," then the bar is set incredibly low.
Originally Posted by The_Rooster

I believe you now Nicky, I cant believe Ive been misled for so long, I feel embarrassed

If you really think your alleged city-cop buddies aren't misleading you by telling you Buffalo is active and what rackets they're into, tell them to make a bust already after over 15 years of quiet.

Originally Posted by BensonHURST

I don't know what to say.

You are choosing to take my posts out of context.

I have asked you direct questions that you have not responded to.

Sorry, I'm sure you know this thread moves a mile a minute. Let me know what questions you've got and I'll try and answer them.
Originally Posted by BensonHURST

In my opinion there is no right or wrong just a perspective and/or opinion.

If you have an opinion or theory, that's fine. I am not dismissing your right to post your theories and speculations, but I don't think you should get offended when I reply with a counter-theory.

Originally Posted by BensonHURST

Where have I suggested everyone was in on a conspiracy to hide something?

It was a reply to this post of yours below:
"Anyone can really rip apart anything that someone else posts.

1) The media gets shit wrong often.
2) The media has been known to FLUFF stories to sell.
3) The FBI gets shit wrong often.
4) The FBI manipulate's stories for their own agendas.
5) The same thing with D.A. they pad indictments.
6) C.I. aren't always truthful
7) Alot of guys that flip tell stories how they WANT to remember them.

Based on the above couldn't anyone pick apart just about any post?

My point is alot of this is Speculation and Opinion which isn't right or wrong...."
- Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you're suggesting that there is a chance that everybody happened to get it wrong. You're right, the media can get things wrong. But in the articles I have cited and posted, the media specifically referenced multiple prominent sources from both sides of the law. You're right, the media can fluff stories to sell. But, if that was the case in this scenario, surely they'd be trying to sell the possibility that the Mafia is still active in Buffalo? Surely, that would be a far more interesting narrative than listing off the things with killed the Mafia. If a prominent newspaper suggested that the Mafia in Buffalo still had the potential to be alive and kicking, wouldn't that story sell better? You are also right that the FBI gets shit wrong often, as well as manipulating stories for their own agendas. But the thing is, the FBI Organized Crime Task Force in Buffalo (or whatever its official name is) is always trying to secure more funding for themselves. Their agenda would be to try and identity as many potential OC threats as they can, so they can secure more funding from Washington. Your post about DA, and how they pad indictments, is true but the thing you need to understand is that there have been no indictments since 03, and even then that was a petty arson thing with Bifulco.

Originally Posted by BensonHURST

In an attempt to learn the law of land I asked if something was written in the media in eyes of the board is that now fact?
I am just curious? And would like to know.

If there was one or two news stories saying that the Buffalo mob is dead, I would expect that there would be some reasonable doubt over accuracy. But this is law enforcement confirmed, DA-confirmed, prosecutor-confirmed mob expert-confirmed news that is being consistently reported that the Buffalo Mafia is dead as a doorknob.
Also, on the flipside, what makes anything Rooster says "fact." He has no proven track record and nothing he says has been proven right.

Originally Posted by BensonHURST

At the same time I was pointing out that if that is the case that theory is somewhat flawed.

I gave specific examples of when the media were just wrong in what.they wrote and/ or when the published information from the Gov't that was wrong.

Two quick examples are:

1) The Bonnanos being dead.
2) The actual existence of the mafia in general.by Hoover.

Ok so what I am doing here? I am saying that POSSIBLY the the Gov't and the media could have prematurely reported that Buffalo LCN was completely dead.

When you say the Bonannos are dead, do you mean that their squad was disbanded after they were kicked of the Commission? Because I don't think anyone said they were completely dead, they were just a lot less of a nationwide threat because they were not part of the national racketeering conspiracy "Commission."
Also, the Hoover thing was 60 years ago. Hoover was the undisputed top dog of the relatively loose FBI, that wasn't really supervised to the extent they are now. Times have changed, it's an information age. Hoover denied the existance of the Mafia because it was too difficult to try and prosecute them, he preferred going after bank robbers and the like. Occasionally, the Mafia coincided with Hoover's goals, such as how Hoover had a "hard-on" for Colombo capo Sonny Franzese and his bank robbery crew. But today, the FBI wouldn't be able to deny such a large nationwide conspiracy like it could back then, and I doubt that if there was a Buffalo mafia that was corrupting unions and exerting influence across the city, I doubt the FBI could deny something like that without raising questions.
Originally Posted by BensonHURST

Again because they have gotten it wrong in the past.

I did NOT say they got it wrong only that MAYBE they did.

Yes that would be me speculating
And by you saying 100% they are dead would be you speculating

What makes you right and me wrong?

Your speculation is not wrong, per se. You are right, there is no way an opinion or speculation can be outright wrong. In the case of you saying that perhaps LE and the press are wrong, I offered a counter-argument. I don't think it's right for you to get offended by that.
But I am not really speculating when I say the Buffalo mafia is dead, because that has been backed up time and time again for over 15 years. When I offer reasons and opinions why young people might not want to join "the life" in Buffalo, then I am speculating, and I think I made that clear.
Originally Posted by BensonHURST

Why are you dismissing Rooster? As if he is lying?

I think I probably covered this in one of my above comments but, to reiterate, I am dismissing Rooster because I don't believe that some internet poster that claims to be in the know is more credible than the FBI, state police, district attorneys, other prosecutors, mob historians/experts, and former mafiosi-turned-informer. There are some glaring discrepancies in Rooster's story that I personally don't believe he has really been able to address. He claims that mafia in Buffalo are, today, being constantly surveilled and are under investigation. However, multiple law enforcement officials have said the complete opposite, as well as District Attorneys and federal prosecutors. Also, when I asked him why the Buffalo mob had not been busted in over 15 years, despite the fact that the family is (according to him) under surveillance/investigation, he brushed it off as "you don't know how this city works." It's not rocket science. When law enforcement investigate a racketeering conspiracy, there is usually a bust within five years. And, if Rooster is to be believed, we can expect that there are multiple investigations over the last 15 years. Somehow none of them yielded any arrests.

Originally Posted by Moscone65
Nicky, look at Chicago, they are still active and how many busts come out from there, once in a blue moon. Lots of self proclaimed mob experts have no clue what's going on.

There have been multiple busts in the past 5 years, and the FBI have recently made a pledge to begin cracking down on the Chicago Outfiit even harder. Rudy Fratto, Sammy Galioto, Pudgy Matassa. There are fewer busts in CHicago than in New York, but that is because of sheer numbers. Chicago has far, far less members than any of the five families. The DeCavs are similar, although they probably have more made members. The DeCavs are of course active but they get busted about as much, if not less, than Chicago.

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari

Nicky, I have been to Los Angeles but not from there.

My bad, people have mentioned you are from LA if I recall correctly.