
I don't know what to say.

You are choosing to take my posts out of context.

I have asked you direct questions that you have not responded to.

i am trying to better understand your position.

In my opinion there is no right or wrong just a perspective and/or opinion.

Where have I suggested everyone was in on a conspiracy to hide something?

In an attempt to learn the law of land I asked if something was written in the media in eyes of the board is that now fact?
I am just curious? And would like to know.

At the same time I was pointing out that if that is the case that theory is somewhat flawed.

I gave specific examples of when the media were just wrong in what.they wrote and/ or when the published information from the Gov't that was wrong.

Two quick examples are:

1) The Bonnanos being dead.
2) The actual existence of the mafia in Hoover.

Ok so what I am doing here? I am saying that POSSIBLY the the Gov't and the media could have prematurely reported that Buffalo LCN was completely dead.

Again because they have gotten it wrong in the past.

I did NOT say they got it wrong only that MAYBE they did.

Yes that would be me speculating
And by you saying 100% they are dead would be you speculating

What makes you right and me wrong?

Why are you dismissing Rooster? As if he is lying?