Originally Posted by OakAsFan
Originally Posted by RollinBones
I can't help but notice just about every single time someone criticizes Trump they are met with "But Democrat so-and-so did XYZ so they are worse!". .

Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument,[1][2][3] which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.[4][5][6] When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union, the Soviet response would be "What about..." followed by an event in the Western world.[7][8][9]...

...Critics say that US President Donald Trump has engaged in whataboutism in response to criticism leveled at him, his policies, or his support of controversial world leaders.[4][88][89] National Public Radio (NPR) reported, "President Trump has developed a consistent tactic when he's criticized: say that someone else is worse."[4] NPR noted Trump chose to criticize the Affordable Care Act when he himself faced criticism over the proposed American Health Care Act of 2017, "Instead of giving a reasoned defense, he went for blunt offense, which is a hallmark of whataboutism."[4] NPR noted similarities in use of the tactic by Putin and Trump, "it's no less striking that while Putin's Russia is causing the Trump administration so much trouble, Trump nevertheless often sounds an awful lot like Putin".[4]


I guess you did not know yourself you had to look that up.

In my neighborhood you would get punched out for saying words like that. I guess we all can't be intellectuals like you.