Originally Posted by Footreads
So evidently no one here can actually do common core math.

I sure there are brilliant mathemations on here who might be able to look it up on the internet and do one already done.

But no one can do that math if they were given a simple math question for the first time by their own kid

I agree that Common Core is ridiculous. However, that doesn't mean DeVos is the right person for the job. She secured her position through the exact same "swamp" practices that Trump decried through his campaign and is so unfit for the position she holds it's not even funny. Did you see her on 60 Minutes? This is a woman who has no degrees in an education-related field, no experience working in schools at all, and has never attended a public school or sent her children to one, and supports for-profit education. This is not a woman who cares about the average kid in Anytown, USA. Can you really tell me with a straight face that this woman was the best possible candidate for the job?