Excuses, excuses. You should be ashamed of your parents or parent for raising such a pathetic piece of shit. If you grew up with a father, you'd know that in America you can do whatever you put your mind to. Dr. Ben Carson, president Obama, Dr. Cason, Dr. Matthews, Diddy, Jay Z, ... You're ignorant and pathetic. I came from a family that made less than a grand a week growing up. My dad made sure I did well in school and taught me to appreciate the value of dollar. "If you want to have what you're friends parents have, don't be like me son. Get an education, because they can never take that away. And money doesn't grow on trees." Maybe you surround your self with a bunch of worthless pieces of shit like yourself and discuss how the world is against you. Dr. King would be so proud of you. He died for what? Go take a history class. Everyone who immigrated to America has it stacked against them. Your life is what you make of it. You sound like you can't make sense of anything. It's a shame. It would be nice if we could trade our useless Americans for immigrants with motivation. Example: Russian doctor comes to the US after practicing for five years. If she wanted to practice in the U.S. She has to redo her residency in the U.S. Instead of crying about how that's not fair, she did it. So, as I was saying, you're pathetic cook.