On Monday Astrid Holleeder has stated under oath before the court of Amsterdam that she recently found recordings of conversations with Willem Holleeder. According to her they have surfaced after 'two moves'. It involves fifteen conversations.
Astrid Holleeder is known to have made many recordings of conversations with her brother in the two years before her brother was arrested in December 2014. Last spring, during a questioning with the examining magistrate, the question was raised as to whether there were any more. She did not answer at that time. The Public Prosecution Service also announced that after informing Astrid Holleeder it appeared that there was nothing left. Astrid Holleeder said it was possible to consider that there were more conversations.
One of the conversations would tell how Holleeder was talking with Astrid about Holleeder's fear that Dino Soerel would make statements about him. The Public Prosecution Service thinks that Soerel and Holleeder have committed murders together. The question why she - as a lawyer - lost sight of these apparently high-profile tapes is getting bigger.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"