Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
Bogey....wow. Thanks for telling me all of that. I'm going to try my best to make things work with her, and I'm sure she'll do the same, but your post gave me something to think about. I hope it doesn't happen to me, too, but at least I'll be a little more prepared.
Yeah, I mean.. don't get me wrong.. Jocelyn can be a good friend when she wants to be. But after living with her, it really put a damper on our friendship. Every little thing she does annoys me. And I'm sure I do things that annoy her too. At first we just considered it like one realllyyy long sleepover. Which we've had before.. I've stayed for DAYS at her house.. they even bought Mountain Dew to stock the fridge just for me.. none of them even drink pop. But living in 1 small room together gets hard.

Haha, to be on topic: I watched X2 last night. Oh how I love X-Men. And Hugh Jackman. Moreso X-men. I'm watching Pay It Forward right now on TNT. I love Kevin Spacey. This is a sad movie I'm gonna watch Serpico later. Also a good movie. I have the book.. its a good book too. OKay, I'll stop rambling

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