Originally Posted by Aces
Donald trump jr went to the wharton school of business and runs a billion dollar company. Donald trump senior is a billionaire and is the president of the united states.
Lebron james barely finished high school and bounces a ball for a living. Lebron and kevin durant have a combined IQ of maybe 45 on a good day. Two rocket scientists who cant speak proper english and probably think africa is in california.
Personally i think its hilarious when lebron james tries to sound sophisticated and talks about things in which he knows nothing about. Which pretty much encompasses everything except basketball.
By the way, those two brain dead morons were born out of wedlock.

Donald trump and his dumb ass son were born into money, they didn't make it by themselves

Trump has the single most dysfunctional white house in history, its not surprising since he has no business being there

Not too mention all of his people are crooks that keep getting indicted by the feds