Hey Billy, pretty good comment by this guy.

Netherlands Narcostate and the Hypocrisy

As a result of the reports about "The Netherlands Narcostate" and the wish of the Dutch criminal investigation department for more millions to combat drug trafficking, NRC columnist Folkert Jensma is worried . He finds it hypocrisy and blabla.

Politicians and police like to talk about 'undermining' crime, which in Brabant controls Mexican neighborhoods, and about the high number of liquidations.


(...) can we stop the ruin of rhetoric about drug crime, causing the Netherlands to 'deteriorate'? By which I do not put the liquidations or the corruption of working class areas by the cultivation of cannabis into perspective. I take that seriously - there has been a professional, successful international drug sector in the Netherlands that handles hundreds of millions. And no, that is not good for the Netherlands. (...)

However, this thriving cannabis, ecstasy, amphetamine and cocaine sector also has a cause. And that is that we find the consumption of those products great. We do not care. Drugs are not seen socially as an abuse but as a stimulant, the consumption of which is widely tolerated. When Nieuwsuurvorige week portrayed the angry men of the detective, Spuiten & Slikken was on the other channel, a publicly funded lifestyle / consumer program in which fresh young people tell us what pills x or y do to you. So do not make me laugh. The Netherlands Narcostate is the same as the Netherlands Fiscal Paradise.

It fits well with us. (...) We think that's all fine: the cash register is ringing. Spraying and swallowing, blowing and earning, XTC and Airbnb, liquidations and dance festivals - it's one big mess. We must therefore stop indignant peering through a straw to organized crime. We do it ourselves. And it does not interest us. Otherwise, the courts in Brabant had already had drug chambers, the Public Prosecution Service tripled its sentence, the police sent a brigade of detectives to the south, Amsterdam prohibited the sale of cannabis to foreigners (as elsewhere) and only control officials arrived at the Red Light District. . For their work then.

Last edited by Hollander; 03/03/18 08:04 PM.

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