Originally Posted by OakAsFan
I wonder why Bobby decides at that moment to stand up to Tony. Tony had verbally abused Janice right in front of him several times before that. I know Bobby was drunk this time, but you have to believe they'd been out drinking together before. Maybe the mountains just made him more rugged. After all, it was Pine Barrens where Tony began to respect Bobby as a legit soldier instead of just Junior's caretaker, considering Christopher might have died out there if not for Bobby's wilderness skills.

They did emphasize the extreme level of alcohol they were consuming which we know Tony could handle but did we ever see Bobby drink like that?

Bobbys feelings of not being able to be himself without persecution may have come to head, he could not pursue his hobbies ( the train sets), he had trouble taking care of his business ( the collection he got jacked and shot), he could not control Janis and was always trying to prove he could by aggressive behavior ( Fighting with Paulie, bustin up the carnival guy and finally, taking on Tony) without considering or remembering he is the Boss.
Because he was Drunk and Blew his Top.

Be Loyal, Be Loving, Be Quiet.