Black family and his alias know the truth but wont admit it.
Fact- all kids, white or black who are born out of wedlock have a MUCH HIGHER chance of going to prison and being poor than a child born into a traditional family unit.
Fact- almost 75% of all Blacks are born out of wedlock and they commit the most violent crime by far and are the majority in prisons. Out of wedlock births are a way of life in the black community. Think about it; you ask a black kid who his father is and he replies: “ i dont know, some guy my mom met in a club”. Mean while his siblings all have different fathers, its down right sleazy.
Agan, BLACKS ARE BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK AT A MUCH HIGHER RATE THAN WHITES AND EVEN HISPANICS WHO ARE AT 52% which is still bad, im not letting the hispanics off the hook on this either. Im not referring to spaniards from spain who are great people and lead responsible lives.

Last edited by Aces; 03/02/18 10:44 AM.