Originally Posted by Footreads
Originally Posted by cookcounty
Originally Posted by Footreads
Cook county it started with obama my ass. Remember his shovel ready jobs none. The electric car none. We can go on and on.

Everything obama tried to do was half ass. All he did was make regulation to keep people from building and starting business or growing their business. No business no new jobs.

Never promotited any thing to get people to build. And start businesses.

america was in a recession when obama took over as president

america was not in a recession when he left office, in part because somehow more americans were working

trump hasn't been in office long enough for the economy to change, it doesn't take one year for unemployment to decrease

you would believe trump if he told you that hes the reason the sky is blue

What was the black unemployment rate when obama left office. He did a great job with them didn’t he?

Under Obama people had given up looking for a job because there was nothing out there therefore these people did not show in the stat. Welfare & food stamp recipients shot up as well.
How can he create jobs when EPA would shut development because of an endangered frog or a water pot hole on your land. He also incurred the biggest debt increase than all the past presidents combined.