
How am I being less truthful? Earlier I just stayed that children born out of wedlock makes up around 1/3 or more. This informationcan be found at the CDC website.

No. We're speaking on Out of wedlock case not homicides and everybody for goodness sake stop falling back on that as an example. Your getting off topic and making another bias selection. Furthermore unless you pull up all the Black homicide victims background and discover your theory is inaccurate then your just make an additional excuse.

What does naming a child have to do with the topic? There are many names from within this country and around the world that will scratch your head.

The fact is you and others have a tarnish "view" of a culture that isn't to your liking. The more we speak on it the more you just repeat the same rhetoric: Blacks needs to do this, that, etc. Or look at the percentages and rates or what's wrong with [ input a nitpicking issue].

Notice as the next comments will still in one fashion or another spin back to decades old rehash narrative.

Last edited by BlackFamily; 03/01/18 12:23 PM. Reason: Errors

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb