Originally Posted by OakAsFan

If you post actual statistics regarding police dangers vs. other job dangers, you're anti-cop?
My goodness....


When YOU make comments like these, you are Anti Cop

If you're going to factor body armor, you have to factor how many roofers took a tumble, were seriously injured, but didn't die.
No way around it.
There are at least 10 occupations which workers take more of a risk than police offices, and none of them are first responders.
The danger of a police officer's job is hyperbole, propagated by their unions.

Yeah, let's see you get on that roof on a July morning when it's expected to hit triple digit temperatures, for the 14th day straight, and then nearly lose your balance while ripping out shingles. You'd take a job staring down tweens like Wyatt Earp while riding around in the ghettos in an air conditioned police cruiser, in a heartbeat.

But the odds are, you won't get shot at by a gang banger. The odds of falling off that roof or having a heat stroke were much greater.
There are at least 10 jobs more dangerous than that of a police officers, among them roofing, maintenance work...and fishing.

Well, Aidan, let's just bet back to the numbers. Roofing, maintenance work, and even fishing are more dangerous jobs than being a police officer. You can't say that police getting shot and not dying should count while not considering that people in these others jobs get serious injuries without dying.
The bottom line is, being a police officer isn't nearly as dangerous as the police say it is. It's more dangerous to be a truck driver.

And my personal fav
If you're going to say that roof accidents are self caused, then it could be the case for police injuries, too. They too could have been taking unnecessary risks outside of their legal authority. They could have been acting like idiots.

Last edited by aidanbrexit; 02/26/18 07:05 PM.