Originally Posted by OakAsFan
Well, Aidan, let's just bet back to the numbers. Roofing, maintenance work, and even fishing are more dangerous jobs than being a police officer. You can't say that police getting shot and not dying should count while not considering that people in these others jobs get serious injuries without dying.

The bottom line is, being a police officer isn't nearly as dangerous as the police say it is. It's more dangerous to be a truck driver.

Common sense tells everyone with a 3 digit iq that this isnt true.
Depending on the locale of WHERE one is a COP, makes a HUGE difference. Im in the arm pit of the Midwest. High violence region, not rural illinois or iowa.

Honey Im going to be a cop, vs honey im going to drive a truck....I know which one will cause her to kvetch.
And for good reason.

I know truck drivers here and cops, went to school with both.
My Cop friends all pulled guns, served felony warrants, dealt with death regularly. All were put in harms way as a matter of routine. And they liked it. A masculine trait to want to help others.
By contrast, My truck driver friends all have good, nice, higher paying jobs. If you can dodge a serious accident, its a decent job if you can work alone and sit for long periods.
Sorry, but your post lacks logic.

Last edited by aidanbrexit; 02/26/18 05:22 PM.