Maybe this is a weird ? for a Organized crime forum. But I can't talk to my friends in my immediate life about stuff like this. None of them would get it. I never really had any regrets about any of my past relationship except one other. . But I saw just today a girl I had gone out with, was pregnant and engaged. She was an amazing individual and probably the most beautiful girl I have ever been with. We went out last year and I fucked it up.I let something really good go. And seeing that today about her having a kid with someone else really messed with me. She would of stuck with me and there was a chance we might of gotten married and had kids. I left her though I was dealing with a lot of personal shit and I didn't know how to tell her, which is something I have to work on. I don't know. I am turning 27 this month and I can't tell if I am messed up over this girl. Or if I am just getting old seeing people I care about settling down with other people, combined with losing other people in my life that I have cared about deeply.

Have any of you ever felt like you had a special relationship get away? I have had 2 now that really hurt when I think about how I let them go. And I just keep thinking about how in a Bronx Tale and Sonny saying that you get 3 loves in this world. And I worry I will have lost all of my chances without realizing it. I used to want to be single forever. But now after having lost a ton of close people , I hate being alone. And I am happy with who I am. But it hurts when you let an opportunity like love leave.

Last edited by Primo; 02/24/18 08:31 AM.

I've walked along the red canal of mars
I've known kings and king makers
Poets painters and paupers
I've danced danced on the rings of Saturn
Still your pilgrim soul is the only thing that ever mattered