Ac/dc opened for ted nugent i think in 78 or 79 at the garden and blew him away. I wasnt there, i was still young but knew someone who went... it was when ac/dc were at their best with Bon Scott.
I saw Judas Priest and Iron Maidn at the Palladium in 1981 on the point of entry tour. This was iron maidens first ever U.S. tour witj the original singer Paul D’Anno on the Killers tour. Killers is maiden’s best album in my opinion. Great show.
Before the Pallaudium turned into a disco, it was a 2500 seat theater. Many great bands played there. I saw so many bands in their prime in the early 80’ including van halen in 82 and acdc in 82.. i wish i saw acdc with bon scott. I saw ozzy on the diary of a madman tour just after randy rhoades died. I really wish i saw him, randy rhoades was one of the best rock guitarists ever.
Dio was great with sabbath.

Last edited by Belmont; 02/23/18 10:06 AM.