Divorce is totally different. The fathers usually play a big part in their childs lives. The kids have a sense of identity and usually have normal relationships with their grandparents and relatives
Out of wedlock Kids, many times, have no idea who their father, have no sense of identity, and more often than not, are born to very young, unskilled mothers who rely on welfare from day one. Those kids dont have a sense of identity and many times their siblings come from different fathers who they dont know either,
Coming from a divorced family and being born out of wedlock are comparing apples and oranges.
With diviorce, as tramutic as it may be, the child has a sense of stability and knows that they were born through traditional marriage opposed to an out of wedlock birth where they were concieved from “ a night of clubbing”.

Last edited by Belmont; 02/20/18 07:14 PM.