Originally Posted by Footreads
They are paying Muslim to get out of Sweden is that right doggie style. My daughter spen the summer in Sweden. You took Swedish as a foreign language. She lived in a villa right next to a hockey player in the nhl lived. That season be fore his team won the Stanley cup. The players get to take the Stanley cup home with them for a while. He threw a big party and invited my daughter to it.

That moron took out the Stanley cup and pissed in it to celebrate winning it.

My daughter went their to learn Swedish language and culture. Everyone in Sweden can speak English. When they found out she was from the US no one spoke to her in Swedish.

What an idiot for doing that to the trophy!

To be honest-why did your daughter want to learn Swedish? If I can ask?As if you want to work in Europe German, French, and Italian or Spanish in that order are by the far the most useful professional language(s) to know.