Originally Posted by Ciment
If any news network that should be accused of fraud then CNN and NBC would win the awards for fake news. Oh yes it slipped my mind they did get fake news awards by Trump.

How can CNN and NBC, be worthy of being called news networks, when all they do is bash Trump from morning to night.
Even the National Enquirer gets a story right from time to time. What a joke.

Fox did the same thing to Obama for 8 years. Not to mention in your other post you're linking to The Daily Caller, which is an absolutely biased news source no matter which way you wanna look at it. The fact is, all media outfits slant one way or the other. Are you going to sit here and tell me The Daily Caller is not biased? This is how the media is, especially these days when the news cycle and hunger for content never stops.

I just don't see how you guys can't see how much these echo chambers harm us as a nation.