Originally Posted By: Hollander
The Mexicans are becoming big players on Europe's drugs market according to Europol.

Can you link an article on that?

I would like to see Mexican/Colombian cartel in a beef with Italians,Albanians,Russians and just see if they would dominate it. Their violence is on another level but im curious if the European groups i mentioned would also level up to the Cartels violence.

I know there has been brutal violence in these countries to like beheadings and killing a rivals family etc. In Albania i know for a fact they cut a Police Chiefs brothers head and sent it to his office in the Police Station, and one time in 1999 right after the Civil war a gang showed up infront of their rivals house with a Tank and opend fire. But its not a every day thing like in Mexico.

Btw that Police Chief would get his revenge x100 and become one of the most powerful Mafia boss in Albanias history. His name was Aldo Bare