What if the guys just muscle. Bites when hes told. And maybe the guy who sponcerd him his boss goes to jail . He makes nothing unless hes well liked by other people in the family and they give him a olive branch. 1 guy al darco told his story in his book how some old gangster manzo who was a luchese member from the 50tys and controled jfk airport rackets. He didnt like al and blocked him from being inducted for years and we as a board of readers should give little al credit for saying this cause he said the guy calld him ice cream scooper. Hahah. Atleast al kinda came down to earth. Al says he never made much money had to sell dope he wasnt educated in other rackets. Then paul vario dies and shit fell into his lap. But i would guess just like in life you earn whatever you know how to do. I swear to god changing brakes on a car should be as important as being a dick doctor. You knkw theres a 100 type of doctors now theres dr. That only prescribe dick medicine well the guy who changes your rotors and brakes is more important in my book if hes resonable. Fucking flu had me in for days. Wooo i drank alittle.