Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen

Are they, rather is the article stating that non- mafia affiliated narco traffickers
are now part of the criminal landscape in Palermo? Are they still Italians, or another ethnic group entirely?

I'm asking cause this could tie into what BlackFamily was posting about, about the Mexicans franchising out to other criminal groups to gain market share in Europe.

Are these narcos connected to the Mexicans?

the article talk about catania not palermo
they say that there are several youngs, mostly involved in drug trafficking, who gain power in the neighborhoods
they are all local, in palermo and catania even the street drug dealers are usually italian; mexicans have nothing to do with them... i read that some of the new drug boss have direct links with the colombians, especially the ones from palermo
anyway they are under mafia control, because they come from poor neighborhoods dominated by the crime families