Originally Posted By: Aces
You are not being honest. You agree with me 100% and you know full well that the root cause of 99% of all black issues stem from out of wedlock births.
Thats the best kept secret amongst the black elite. They know its the root cause and i am certain you know it as well..
for what ever reason you need to try and prove you are an intellectual and your thought process runs deep. Thats fine and dandy but why make the real issue with black america more complex than it actually is??. Its a rather simple issue to understand as i pointed out.


The root issue of my cultural community is multi-faceted internally & externally. To boil down the history of an ethnic group to a oversimpliflied problem is full blown ludacris. Your displaying a incorrigible sense of foolishness. Please stop insulting your own intelligence and troll elsewhere.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb