Originally Posted By: pmac
Did the old pagans president gorilla or whatever his nickname was get out of prison. Theres photos of him n merlino. Guess he wasnt a pagan anymore did he get kicked out? You cant justleave rite. I read a terrible book a few years back about some young guy whose dad was a hells angel and this kid was a pagan prospect it was bad i forgotthe name. Fucking ice storm up here in mass. Cant leave the house 2 days before xmis.

Prodigal father pagan son by lt menigerie and Kerrie droban. Droban is maybevthe worst writer in the last 100 years. That’s her best book. Hemingway compared to her other shit.

Haven’t read her latest last Chicago boss but reviews sound like all her other books. She’s a disgrace to literacy.