Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
Didn't Hillary lose the election precisely because her indifference towards the average American who wasn't rich was so transparent?

What's more is the democratic party abandoned apallachia (sp)sp and the midwest. The unions in that midwestern/southern section used to be a automatic democrat vote. They voted for obama... Twice...

Those days are probably over. And drugs are destroying the area quickly. Doesn't matter because the left will import its new base from the rest of the world. Who cares about a bunch of dead guyys who used to be part of the formerr)) most productive manufacturing and agricultural center of the world. Not trying to sound like a john cougar mellencamp song but i guess i just did.

The author of Hillbilly Elegy, named J. d. vance wrote about this and basically predicted trumps victory, based on this forgotten corner of the countey. CNN sure as fuck isn't gonna report it.