Originally Posted By: dl
Footreads, your post is the kind of post that keeps people interested. I would like to hear more.

How old are you? I'm 53. The prices I remember (25k for a house, about a quarter for a gallon of gas I think) are much higher than what you experienced. I'm guessing you're older than me.

76 and still kicking my brother is 80. No one own a house then even the mob guys lived in those tenements.

I bought my first house in Brooklyn for 42 thousand it was a two family house already had a tenant. Through him out a year latter he filled the basement with his shit. I saw it recently it was falling apart they wanted 600 thousand for it.

He has a 23 old son. So he was born when my brother was 57. Haha

My brother always ask me for money as a loan. Never paid me back.

That’s why we still talk he needs me. He always thought his shit doesn’t stink. He graduated college and I got thrown out of HS in my senior year.

only the unloved hate