This guy has a show coming to Amazon I think , and he claims to habe been a prominent member of 2 mob families in Miami and also part of a latin drug gang.. says he did 19 years for RIco shit and his name Ciro dipagio is a pseudonym... i found the above YouTube interview w him by some broad who is just an awful interviewer, but I wanted to knos if anyone recognizes him, ever heard of him or can shed light on who the fuck he is, what family, or if its total bullshit? I didn’t watch the whole interview but from what I saw he won’t name anybody, no family nothing... anyone know anything about this guy?

Theres a trailer for this show The Mobking, it looks ok considering there’s nothing mob movie or show related til The Irishman comes out in 2019, I recommend watching the trailer at least... anyone have any insight on this guy or is he gull of shit? Thanks fellas

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"